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Artist Spotlight

Damian Taylor

I’m a music producer, mixer, engineer, composer and programmer
Tell us about projects that you enjoyed or that you're proud of.

The good thing about working in so many different situations with so many different people is you can really enjoy each project for what it is. Working with The Prodigy and Björk immediately leap to mind for being epic projects with high profile visionaries at the top of their game, but I deeply love working with new or unknown artists just as much, but in totally different ways. I’m lucky to be at the point where I more or less can choose just to work with people that inspire me, so every day is special.

How did you first hear of DMGAudio?

My friend Matt Robertson suggested I check them out.

How would you describe our plugins?

Incredibly useful. They’re the pinnacle of fresh ideas, premium quality, and freedom from presumptions of the past.

What are your favourite DMGAudio plugins and how do they integrate with your workflow?

I have Equilibrium and Limitless in use on 100% of my masters.